jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Clue's to Earth Past

remains, imprints, or traces of prehistoric organism

permineralized remains
fossil in which the spaces inside are filled with minerals

carbon film
thin film of carbon residue preserved as fossil.

cavity in a rock

copy of an original object

index fossil
remains of species that existed on Earth for short periods of time

principle of superposition
states in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest rocks are on the bottom and the young ones nearer the surface

relative age
age of something in comparison to other things

gasps in rock sequences

absolute age
age, in years, of a rock or other object.

radioactive decay
the process of breaking down

time it takes for half of atoms in the isotope to decay

radiometric dating
processes use to calculate the absolute age of rock

the principles states of Earth procceses ocurring today are similar to those occurring today

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